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What is a Deferred Prosecution?

Posted by Raymond Ejarque | Jul 24, 2019 | 0 Comments

When a person is charged with a DUI they have the option of handling it through a Deferred Prosecution. You may only use a Deferred Prosecution once in your life.

Deferred Prosecutions are meant for those suffering from alcoholism and who believe that their alcoholism caused the behavior leading up to the DUI arrest. Under a Deferred Prosecution, your DUI charge can be dismissed if you successfully complete a strict, two-year treatment program. If unsuccessful in meeting the treatment program's requirements, you will face the original charges and consequences.

A Deferred Prosecution treatment program usually involves: total abstinence from alcohol; participation in an intensive inpatient or intensive outpatient program in a state-approved alcoholism treatment program; participation in a minimum of two meetings per week of an alcoholism self-help recovery support group (AA); not less than weekly approved outpatient counseling, group or individual, for a minimum of six months following the intensive phase of treatment; and not less than monthly outpatient contact, group or individual, for the remainder of the two-year deferred prosecution period. As you can see the Deferred Prosecution option takes a lot of hard work, focus and dedication.

If you would like to further discuss whether a Deferred Prosecution is the right option for you call us for a free consultation. We offer an affordable DUI defense, and can help you through this difficult and sometimes confusing process–the Law Offices of Raymond Ejarque, (206) 621-1554.

About the Author

Raymond Ejarque

Raymond Ejarque has practiced law since his admission to the Washington State Bar in June of 1994. He started his career in public interest law helping migrant farm workers and indigents in Texas and Washington State.  Later he worked in Criminal defense as a public defender in Seattle for many y...


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