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(206) 621-1554

Client Reviews

Thanks, Ray!

I hired Ray back in 2013 after a DUI charge. I had never been in any trouble with the law and was very scared & confused. After talking to several lawyers about my case & hearing their less than optimistic hopes for my outcome I contacted Ray. Ray immediately sounded very confident and had an immediate strategy for how he would handle my case if hired. I liked his moxie & I hired him on the spot! Ray & his staff were very informative in keeping me updated on my case & what needed to be done to put my best foot forward in front of a judge if it got that far. I was unwilling to agree to the DAs only laughable offer of a guilty as charged plea as I was completely innocent of the charges against me. 2 years later we finally went to trial.

I was amazed at the theatrics of Mr. Eraque during the trial. Again my case was not an easily winnable one according to “other” attorneys. Due to Rays excellent defense & me being rigorously prepped on how to provide my testimony I was found NOT Guilty. I couldn't be happier as this had taken a toll on my life for 2 years. I thought my life was over and Ray came in and saved the day! Ray really went to bat for me in so many ways & was always thinking ahead to ensure there were no mistakes. I would recommend Ray to anyone. DUIs in Washington are no joke,even if your not behind the wheel as was the case with me! You can know you have someone who is going to give you your best possible shot at freedom when you hire Ray.

– RJ

Experiencia En Los Cortes Y Juicios

¿Sospecha que la Policia le investiga? ¿Ha sido acusad@ de haber cometido un delito criminal grave o menos grave? ¿Ha sido arrestad@ Por Conducir Borracho?(DUI). ¿Desea limpiar su record criminal? No se preocupe, el Lcdo. Raymond W. Ejarque le puede ayudar.  Se Habla Español – Llamenos para Una Consulta Inicial Completamente Gratuita: (206) 621-1554. El Lcdo.…
