When you are being charged with a DUI in Seattle, it is important to remember what happened when you got stopped by the officer. When the earliest opportunity comes, write down what happened during your field test, at the station, and any other information you can remember that can help your case. When you meet with a lawyer, these notes are helpful in discussing and advocating your case for a best possible outcome.
Here are some things to note about your case:
- How many passenger(s) in your car?
- Alcohol/drugs in the car?
- Why the police stopped you?
- Did you cooperate with the officer?
- Did you admit to drinking?
- How many drinks did you admit?
- Did you take a voluntary field test?
- How was your performance?
- Physical Impairment?
- Sickness?
- On Medication?
- Did you take a portable breath test?
- Did officer read Miranda rights?
- What station where you brought to?
- Did you ask to speak to an Atty?
- Replied Consent form?
- What kind of drinks did you have?
- What time did you start, stop?
- How long did you wait before driving?
- Were you booked? How long in jail?
- Bond, yes or no?
- On a scale of 1-10 how impaired where you?
Your detailed notes can be useful in negotiating your case, providing the attorney important and useful information that will help strategizing your defense, and litigating your case in trial.
This is not a substitute for a full consultation regarding the facts of your case. Please call the Law Office of Raymond W. Ejarque for a free consultation at 206-621-1554 and check our website www.seattle-duidefense.com for more info on how we can help.
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