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(206) 621-1554

Client Reviews

Kirk Davis, Personal Injury Lawyer in Seattle, WA

Ray and I worked together on a case, so I had the opportunity to observe his work. He did a great job and wound up getting his client's case dismissed. You can't do better than that. I endorse Ray for criminal defense cases.

– Worked together on matter

Experiencia En Los Cortes Y Juicios

¿Sospecha que la Policia le investiga? ¿Ha sido acusad@ de haber cometido un delito criminal grave o menos grave? ¿Ha sido arrestad@ Por Conducir Borracho?(DUI). ¿Desea limpiar su record criminal? No se preocupe, el Lcdo. Raymond W. Ejarque le puede ayudar.  Se Habla Español – Llamenos para Una Consulta Inicial Completamente Gratuita: (206) 621-1554. El Lcdo.…
