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Se habla español
(206) 621-1554

Client Reviews

Gregory Schwesinger, DUI / DWI Attorney in Seattle, WA

Ray is an extremely compassionate and hard working individual. He spends countless hours creating solutions and options for his clients. He is fluent in the Spanish language, and uses this skill to assist many in need within the hispanic community. Ray's passion for his craft and his desire to get his clients fabulous results make him a special indivdual and attorney.

– Fellow lawyer in community

Experiencia En Los Cortes Y Juicios

¿Sospecha que la Policia le investiga? ¿Ha sido acusad@ de haber cometido un delito criminal grave o menos grave? ¿Ha sido arrestad@ Por Conducir Borracho?(DUI). ¿Desea limpiar su record criminal? No se preocupe, el Lcdo. Raymond W. Ejarque le puede ayudar.  Se Habla Español – Llamenos para Una Consulta Inicial Completamente Gratuita: (206) 621-1554. El Lcdo.…
