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(206) 621-1554

Client Reviews

Compassionate and Effective, Raymond Ejarque comes highly recommended

To be brief, Raymond Ejarque is very good at what he does.
He not only carries the air of professionalism and Confidence that one expects from their lawyer, but he also has a seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of DUI and Criminal Law as well as personal connections throughout the legal and counseling system.

Mr. Ejarque is everything he promises to be: Responsive, Attentive, and capable of offering his clients every protection affordable under the Law. I would recommend his services to friends or family without a second thought.

– DUI client

Experiencia En Los Cortes Y Juicios

¿Sospecha que la Policia le investiga? ¿Ha sido acusad@ de haber cometido un delito criminal grave o menos grave? ¿Ha sido arrestad@ Por Conducir Borracho?(DUI). ¿Desea limpiar su record criminal? No se preocupe, el Lcdo. Raymond W. Ejarque le puede ayudar.  Se Habla Español – Llamenos para Una Consulta Inicial Completamente Gratuita: (206) 621-1554. El Lcdo.…
